How can you quickly get your first quality “foreign client” for your digital skill almost for free?

You Might NOT Make 1 Million Naira Monthly; But N300k Is 100% Possible In Less Than 4 Weeks With This New Client Spotlight Mechanism!

And you don’t need any job experience, website, laptop, luck, referral, outdated templates to start getting real & FAST results…

Even if you’ve lost all hope, or you’ve been deceived after sweet empty promises from different online coaches!

(Meet one of my successful students ‘Kate’, who confessed that she earned her first ever HALF A MILLION NAIRA faster than she thought was possible).

Dear reader, 

Have you tried different solutions like Upwork, Fiverr, LinkedIn, Cold email, etc…

Just because you want to get your first foreign client?

Then believe me if I say you might have been doing many things right. 

In fact…

It’s never because you don’t have experience or work samples.

But why is it that you have NOTHING to show for it? 

Listen, when it comes to making money online…

You don’t need to be a brilliant skilled-person anymore!

What you truly need? 

Ability to use what’s RECENTLY WORKING and be fast to model simple solutions…

Just like how “Kate” used it to make half a million naira as a total beginner (with no experience at all).

And your financial life will consistently turn out pretty fantastic.

But before I explain why nothing is working for you…

And the “3 simple methods” to use today if you wish to…

Start getting AT LEAST 300,000 naira monthly…

Firstly, if you don’t have ANY digital skill at all…

This “good news” is not for you. 

But if you’ve a skill like:

✅Content writing.

✅Copywriting, web design.

✅Smartphone graphic design.

✅Editing, Proof-reading.

✅Smartphone video editing.

✅Or ANY other “digital skill”…

Even if you only know how to remove background from images (that won’t take you more than 3 seconds), earning at least 300k in less than 4 weeks is possible!

You see…

A lot of young people who’re making it online are not better than you in skills. 

But do you know the reason why most talented people like you are still struggling to land their first gig? 

It’s because you’re still stuck in the cage of sending generic proposals…

Or maybe you’re doing steady random cold outreach. 

Or maybe you think you need hours upon hours per day to achieve great results.

Or have you been told to focus LESS on money for now and do free jobs before you get paid so that you can build your portfolio?

Well, that’s bullshit!

In fact, most people think sending 20-50 proposals/cold emails (per day) is what will get them noticed quickly. 

Wrong too!

In fact, it’s a big fat lie from the pit of hell…

Especially now that clients are x7 skeptical and sophisticated!



(Who the heck am I…and why should you listen to me RIGHT NOW?)

My name is Mesioye Johnson. 

✅I am the Founder of Learnmoneymaking and Evolve Pulse with over $350,000 (pure profit) generated for my foreign clients over the past 5 years.

✅With “Learnmoneymaking”, I’ve trained over 100 students who have made their 1st million naira online (and still counting).

✅My free community helped over 50 persons get their first gig online (in less than 19 days).

✅100% for free, I’m always giving out new client acquisition practical ideas to curious beginners who wish to grow faster too. 

And is this your golden opportunity to use this new client spotlight mechanism to make AT LEAST your first 300,000 naira in less than 4 weeks?

Which has brought in millions for me, my clients, and my students.

For instance:

Meet Samuel who has been freelancing since 2019. 

According to him…

He was frustrated because he found it extremely difficult to navigate things easily. 

But later, 

His successful friend (one of my students) introduced…

The “new client spotlight mechanism” of getting quality stress-free jobs to him. 

And he started getting results too in less than 2 weeks flat. 


I know this is sounding too good to be true to you, right? 

Well, this is because you’re trying to be cautious to avoid another costly mistake!

And cautious people always come out on top…

Because they ‘re more thoughtful…

And they tend to be more successful in life.

But still…

Luck is like a “thin wire” between survival and disaster. 

And not many people can keep their balance on it. 

And this is why Ayomide happily confessed that: it’s hard to doubt real positive result after he made over $1,000 in 3 weeks (even though I promised him 4 weeks result!)

Also, meet Opeyemi Joseph (a struggling freelancer)…

Who used to jump from one Gooroos’ paid class to another…

With no positive result at all. 

But later, he summoned 30% courage, with 70% hope…

And he tried the “new client spotlight mechanism” which you might also be lucky to get today.

Then he was able to get his first $300 project almost immediately (his success was like the sun breaking through the clouds after a stormy night). 

❌Nothing like “mind-numbing endless videos” for him.

❌No bullshit tedious pdfs that takes months to finish.

❌No referral (this is NOT affiliate marketing at all).

❌No outdated templates, no laptop (smartphone is cool for a start). 

✅Just full guidance from me to him (he was like clay molded into a masterpiece that effortlessly reshaped his financial life).

And the smarter you are today too…

The luckier you’ll be before tomorrow. 

You don’t believe me?

Hear directly from “Opeyemi Joshua” who got his first foreign gig N300,000 without experience, without sending tons of generic proposals!

(He used the same new “client spotlight mechanism” to achieve this FASTER)

Now let me quickly say this again:

You might not make $1,000 monthly…

Especially if you’re a total beginner.


Well, big results (like $1,000 – $10,000 upward) often require a multifaceted approach. 

But with my 3 simple methods of getting jobs? 

Believe it or not, there’s NOTHING like failure to achieve at least N300,000 in less than 4 weeks (no matter what you’ve tried in the past that doesn’t give you satisfied result).

And it’s gonna be a big shame if I promise what you won’t achieve faster. 

Do you understand perfectly? 

For instance:

Meet Joshua Tayo Aire, a determined freelancer who…

Like many, struggled in a sea of online courses and gurus with no desirable result to show at all. 

To him, frustration was the norm, and it seems like every new class only led to more disappointment.

But when he decided that it’s time for a change…

He discovered the “new client spotlight mechanism” you’re about to get…

A game-changer that could be yours today if you’re fortunate enough to seize the opportunity. 

With my simple solutions, he achieved $400 (not $300) in less than 30 days. 

And he’s still getting undiluted guidance from an experienced mentor on a daily basis. 

(Joshua used the “new client spotlight mechanism” to quickly made $400 (400,000 naira as of then) instead of 300,000 naira which I promised you.

Are you also ready to take the bold step as Joshua Tayo did? 


This “new client spotlight mechanism” will only take you few minutes per day to earn your first 300,000 naira or more (working for quality foreign clients)!

Here are 3 tools you need: 

✅A smartphone (it must be in good working condition though)

✅A digital skill (to offer your service to foreign client). 

✅Use our special secrets to easily attract (not chase) international clients and get paid in dollars instantly!

Does that make sense to you? 

If your answer is no…

Feel free to turn this page upside down (best of luck). 

What Few Of My Clients Recently Says About Me:

BBB is now a Best Seller #21 in Online Banking on Amazon. All thanks to Mesioye
Sheree Blakemore
CEO A.K Nowlin Publishing, New York
Thank you for your quick and thorough completion of this project, providing expert feedback on our assessment.
HR admin
Indeed Upwork Enterprise Client
Johnson hits every aspect of my writing project and this gives us the result we hired him for.
Bruce Cummings
Director of Hilcorp, Texas

And a lot more. 

But before you read on…

This solution might not give you over $1,000 – $10,000 monthly if you’re a total beginner. 

But it’s impossible not to go home with 300,000 naira monthly no matter how hard the economy is.

(At least, that’s the least amount I can confidently promise you to escape this disaster below)

You see…

This solution is still working for many of my new students (who never believe they can earn money online). 

For instance:

Meet Toluwaleke Ijiola, a committed freelancer…

Who had been feeling lost in the crowded online marketplace. 

He had tried several courses and strategies too, but his success remained difficult. 

One day, he stumbled upon the “new client spotlight mechanism.”

With determination and a touch of doubt, he decided to give it a shot. 

Today, Toluwaleke Ijiola has made over $4,000 (more than 3 million naira) and he said he’s managing it for now…

What made the difference? 

❌No more boring and time-wasting videos.

❌No more overwhelming PDFs. 

❌No need for referrals or expensive tools. 

Toluwaleke found clarity and direction with the straightforward guidance offered by FLAG groundwork. 

Now, it’s your turn to redefine your freelancing journey. 

And this is why I’ll be revealing my insider secrets to a few lucky people in a day live presentation.

And this presentation will show you how the “new client spotlight mechanism”…

Will transform your freelancing career..FAST!

What You’ll Discover Inside This A Day Live Presentation:

Module 1: Upwork Psychology

If you’re just starting out and you’ve never had a client on Upwork…

Or maybe you’re still in the early stages…

Then you might NOT make it faster (please, let me explain)

You see, there are millions of jobs for you, but not all are created equal. 

Also, the good projects that pay well usually attract experienced professionals. 


You’ll be competing against people with Top Rated status, 100% Job Success Score, and lots of 5-star reviews (like me).

And the ONLY way to stand out and get AT LEAST N300,000 naira monthly as a beginner? 

Use the “new client spotlight mechanism” to win against those who’re more skilled than you. 

But many experts will ask you to focus LESS on money and build your brand first, right? 

Well, it’s a lie from the pit of HELL!

This is one of my students who got an offer of $15 per hour for a minimum of 40 hours per week.

And that is $600 (600,000 naira).

Plus the job is just for 3 weeks making it $1,800.

This is a university student making over 1.8 million naira that could extend to being 3.6 million naira if they extend his contract.

And this is why…

In this first module, you’ll be taught:

How to set up your Upwork account without being screened out even if you’re not a professional yet (the bypassing Upwork Algorithm stage)

Best ways to choose your niche and service you can offer (without being seen as an amateur at all).

How to use my FLAG strategy to convince the platform that you are up to the task and that you’ve true experience in your field.

How to use a “specialized profile” to tailor your unique skill which will surely make it easier for quality clients to FIND YOU and hire you…fast.


Upwork is a global freelancing platform like Fiverr, 99designs, TopTal where…

Over three million jobs are posted in less than 12 months, worth a total of 1 billion US Dollar.

(And this is why it’s the largest freelance marketplace in the world).

What does that tell you? 

Having the ability to freelance on Upwork is an exclusive club.

And in this module, you’ll be shown in a LIVE PRESENTATION…

The easy ways to use SEO to quickly boost your brand which will work as a vehicle to attract potential foreign clients.

And many more.

Model 2: Easiest ways to get client faster

Wait, would you like to go from earning $0 to AT LEAST $300 (N300,000) monthly real fast? 

Firstly, here’s the bad news:

You see, clients won’t hire you just because you’ve a skill (this is a tough one to swallow).

But why?

When I created my Upwork profile a few years ago, I had no experience at all.

But I knew how to write though. 

Today, I’ve made over $350,000 (in pure profit) so far.

And making over $3000 monthly working part time for my clients is easy & stress-free!

My 2 simple secrets? 

✅Consistency in the right direction.

Client spotlight mechanism.

For instance: 

I didn’t send random proposals to the writing jobs which seemed suitable and interesting to me.

Instead, I did the unimaginable (which is totally different from what you’ve seen anywhere else). 

And 98 out of 100 instances…

I never turn back from winning!

In fact, sometimes…


If I’m feeling lazy, the “new client spotlight mechanism” still makes it possible for me to make at least N550,000 in 15 days.

And this is why in this 2nd module…

You’ll be shown in the live presentation:

✅ How to easily get clients if you lack experience and still get good & honest feedback to make things start rolling for you.

✅ How to craft a simple & short message to make a client rank you in 6 most important aspects (skills, quality, availability, deadlines, communication, cooperation)

By using this…

You’ll easily make a client reward you with amazing reviews and also get a money bonus as well.

Is this exactly what you’re looking for?

You see…

Doubt always kills more dreams than failure ever will.


✅ You’ll also be shown how to write a killer proposal (without attaching samples of your work if you’re a beginner) making the client give you a first try!

How you’ll RETAIN/KEEP your clients and subconsciously make them hire you projects after projects. 

If clients suspect you’ve copied and pasted your proposal, you most-likely won’t get the job, especially if you’re a beginner.

Let me tell you this, 100% for free: 

Most Clients Won’t Even READ Your Proposals!


It’s simple. 

When a client posts a job, they receive dozens of proposals.

And they can see your ratings even before clicking your profile. 

So if they see you have…

❌No job history

❌No reviews, etc…

You’ll often be ignored. 

And this is why you’ll be shown in this live presentation:

✅ How you can show authenticity by using your true excitement with your ability to do the job.

This is my “simple success key” on Upwork!

And you can never find it anywhere else. 

For instance, “Max Erons” easily got a job (with increase rate), by using the new client spotlight mechanism.

Also, you’ll also be shown the: 

Simple ways to charge higher than client budget by being PROACTIVE, making them feel like you’re the ONLY person who can get the job done!

Proper way to boost your proposal (with the new feature) to keep you in TOP 3 SLOTS, giving you the possibility to be seen easily by clients.

✅ Why sending 30-50 proposals a day (as a beginner) is stressful & bullshit + why it’ll probably NOT yield good results for you. 


There’s a new and better way to send proposals by doing LESS, get foreign clients quickly, without being rejected!

(Carefully listen to Barry who has made over 3 million naira within 3 weeks with “new client spotlight mechanism”)

Remember when I said you might not make $1,000 monthly?

But why do you think Barry achieved over $3,000 within 3 weeks?

Paint-it-by-the-numbers with 2 secrets:

My 2 simple secrets? 

Consistency in the right direction.

Client spotlight mechanism.


You’ll also be shown:

✅ The importance of “project catalog” and how to set it up properly so that you can be seen as transparent which will lead to smooth transactions.

✅ How to NEVER allow any client to “micromanage” you so that your life will not SUCK!

Model 3: Overall account protection:

Imagine you woke up in the morning…

Make a cup of coffee, sign in to your account to start a great working day.

And to your surprise, hackers robbed your account. 

How will you feel?


Frauds somehow passed through two-factor authentication that was enabled on the account. 

And they can add a new payment method WITHOUT entering a code from your email. 

Ayoola Made Over $1,400 So Far…After 2 Months Of Using The New Client Spotlight Mechanism (He Achieved This Immediately After He Finished His NYSC…No Regret At All)

And this is why in module 3: 

You’ll be taught the first action to take to permanently secure your Upwork account (within 3 minutes) without being restricted later.

How to create unique and complex info that’ll be extremely hard for any hacker to guess (this can’t be found anywhere else)

Easy way to strengthen your (2FA) two-factor authentication for an EXTRA LAYER of security by choosing between SMS codes, authenticators apps, or backup codes.

Simple (but highly effective) steps (once in a month) to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your account.

How to backup your important files and documents related to your freelancing work (and stay updated always).

Best way to promptly report any suspicious behavior or messages to Upwork’s support team and get FAST response (important).

And much much…more.

What Top-Experts Are Currently Saying About Me:

I just want to state this categorically that Mesioye Johnson is the best freelancing coach you’d find anywhere. Not only does he have a MASSIVE wealth of experience, he’s also an incredibly patient teacher. Something not all coaches have. You CANNOT fail with him.
Edmund Oris
No. 1 Football Podcaster In Nigeria
Mesioye Johnson is a an exemplary freelancer and a coach that has the heart of a father. As a thriving freelancer, one would expect him to live the beautiful life that he deserves but he has consistently created time to help others thrive in the-same path. I have seen his heart of love and I have seen him to change lives with his knowledge and experience. He’s someone I respect, hold in high regard and trusts anything that comes out from him when it comes to freelancing and the tech world.
Hillary Remy
Brand Strategist & Content Writer AQAR, Oman
Mesioye Johnson is an exceptional mentor, writer, and coach. Since our first encounter, his unwavering dedication to helping others and solving problems has been remarkable. His expertise and resourcefulness as a freelance and writing mentor have made significant impact on my personal and professional growth. I highly recommend Mesioye as an invaluable asset to anyone fortunate enough to work with him.
Ibrahim Kazeem
Content Writer and Social media manager
I’ve seen many coaches out there who teach how to get client on Upwork. But what makes Mesioyeh Johnson totally different is that he knows how to make the result come faster with 0.0 bullshit!
Abdulhameed. A. Elephchild
ER. Copywriter, Founder of Elephant Global

What life looks like with “new client spotlight mechanism” (in the live presentation).

✅No more sending pitch/proposals and not getting hired (this proven strategies will permanently fix this, and it can’t be found anywhere else…ever!)

✅You’ll have the quick freedom to choose projects you like, work on your own terms, and have control over your schedules.

✅After getting paid at least ($300) N300,000 monthly, you’ll still get a lot of real-world experience that gives opportunity for growth.

✅You have a new formula to follow that works for ANY skill you’ve right now (no more getting angry at yourself).

✅Your client will be happy with you after using the FLAG Groundwork that makes you feel x3 organized and deliver the job faster.

✅You’ll spend LESS minutes on work that’ll take you many hours to finish (more time for family and lovers, more fun for you).

✅And with FLAG Groundwork, you’ll easily stand out from skilled professionals offering similar services.

✅Plus many…many more.

Now it’s time for a decision.

And I’ve 3 choices for you. 

Option #1: Don’t Do Anything And Remain Calm.

Listen closely. 

If you’re already comfortable with a fat bank account that keeps your dream alive…

Then I urge you to never sign up for this live presentation. 

So please, 

Kindly exit this page and continue your current journey. 

Best of luck.

But if you wish to try how you can make ($300) N300,000 monthly…

Without having to keep watching your friends become better than you…

Then option 2 could be your golden ticket to transformation. 

Option #2: Do Everything On Your Own.

Look, you could head over to YouTube…

Watching 100s of boring and confusing freelancing videos…

…whose strategies are outdated, hoping to piece it all together. 

Or perhaps, you might go deep into big books about freelancing…

That might take you months to finish with old methods that aren’t working anymore.

And if that sounds like your journey of choice…

Then this “live presentation” may not be your destination.

Why, you ask? 

Because, let’s face it: 

It could take you ages to finally understand the nuts and bolts of becoming a better freelancer. 

But, if you’re NOT ready to endure this harsh path alone.

If you’d rather not bear the weight of the journey’s stress on your own shoulders…

Then read on. 

Your shortcut to success may just be a scroll away.

Option #3: Let Me Remove The Pain From Your Path.


Imagine if I invite you into this live presentation. 

Then you watch me while I diligently show you the path…

Demonstrating my tried-and-true solutions that’ll take you from zero naira to 300,000 naira monthly in 30 days.

Does that not sound like the lifeline you’re been waiting for? 

You bet. 

You see, this world is divided into two kinds of people: 

Those who dream BIG but fold their hands when it’s time to act.

And there are a tiny % of smart people who are rare to find on the internet.

But they’ll grab opportunities without overthinking…

Especially when they’ve seen real proof that the solution will also change their financial lives. 


Most people always say they want to retire young in wealth. 

But only a precious few will carve that reality into existence. 

And this is what separates winners from losers. 


Most people will keep dreaming (with nothing to show for it). 

But you’re still on this page because you’re totally different (you’ve proven that already). 

Look, I strongly believe you’re among the chosen few.

The ones who are ready to take charge of their financial destiny. 

And if you’re still with me at this moment…

Kindly understand that when you become a member today…

You’ll be shown how you can make money just like how one of my students got a $1,200 job without experience at all!

How much will it cost me to join this live presentation?

I have said it from the beginning. 

It’s totally a steal (half the price of a BBQ Chicken). 

You see…

If you were to hire my agency to walk you through this process 1-1…

Then it’ll cost anywhere from $5,000-$10,000. 

And back then when I documented a solution like this for a small group of people…

It was $2,097/year. 

But later, I discovered that all hands are NOT equal.


The economy is brutally hard and not everyone can afford it (especially if you’re just starting out). 

So…as a way to help people genuinely, 

I decided to make this super-amazing. 

And any serious human being…

Who wants to make AT LEAST 300,000 naira monthly will see sense in this…

Even though you can also make $1,000 monthly, or more. 

Then today, 

You won’t pay a ridiculous amount of N97,000 at all or anything close to it. 

Just $3 (N5,000 naira ONLY) and you’ll reserve your slot today. 

Look at it this way…

How many clients would you need to get your money back? 


Not more than 1. 

Now imagine you’re paid N300,000 after getting your first client…

And you deduct $3 (your investment fee) from it, 

You’ll go home with N297,000 and you’ll keep getting more and more clients. 

And this is why this live presentation is insultingly affordable. 

Plus your next gig will surely pay over and over again.


The price is just N5,000 for everything listed above.

And if you’d like to try it, click the button below to reserve your spot.

(+ Special bonuses available with this offer ONLY)

Before you go, here are 5 ridiculously valuable bonuses for you ONLY today!


I’ve carefully selected 5 bonuses that’ll provide practical…

Emotional and strategic support for you. 

And if you follow them carefully? 

They’ll not ONLY accelerate your journey to securing foreign clients. 

But they’ll give you (more) confidence and motivation…

To keep pushing forward in your freelancing career. 

#1 Bonus  (N11,700)

>> Client’s niche research <<

This will teach you how to identify profitable niches. 

Also, this will show you how to keep-up with industry trends within your chosen niche. 

In fact…

It’ll easily show you how you can analyze your competitors…

So that you can find gaps and opportunities for yourself. 

And it’ll help you understand PRICING RATE in your niche to avoid selling yourself or service cheap.  

No competition at all.

#2 Bonus  (N15,900)

>> My new winning proposal killer templates <<

If you’re just getting started…

Then you need to save your time and effort by not writing a proposal from scratch. 

And this is why you’ll surely get easy to use templates…

That has been proven to be successful at winning jobs faster. 


They’re NOT outdated!

These are carefully written to deeply and truly understand the needs and expectations of a client. 

And by using them (they’re absolutely free from errors)…

You’ll be able to sound smart and professional…

Making the client feel like you’re the go-to-guy for the job. 

#3 Bonus  (N14,500)

>> Advanced client attraction strategy <<

You see, if you want to bring out your skill, expertise, and strength…

Then this solution will pinpoint the specific industry that aligns with your value. 


Instead of you to start sending 20-50 proposals blindly…

This advanced client attraction strategy will help you position yourself in a unique way in the marketplace. 

How sweet is that? 

Above all…

This will show you to define your unique proposition and messages that clearly demonstrate your value. 

Real solution. Real people. Real result (could this be you too?)

#4 Bonus  (N20,700)

>> Client Retention Mastery <<

Here, you’ll know how to build long-lasting relationships with clients to get more projects. 

And this will make them refer you to friends and family.

Also, you’ll be shown how to use legal contract templates to protect yourself from clients to avoid cheating. 


You’ll get time management tools and strategies to manage your time effectively (to boost productivity). 

And you’ll be rewarded with ideas on how to strengthen your mindset and build true confidence to face any challenges.

Plus a competence plan to steadily increase your earnings on Upwork over time. 

#5 Bonus (totally priceless)

>> Customer support and networking community (247 active) <<

My goal is what? 

This FLAG groundwork is the most easy-to-follow client getting solutions so far. 

And with that being said, 

I know you’ll SURELY have a few or more questions later. 

In fact, I love it when people ask questions when they’re kinda confused. 

And this is why I built a 247 customer support group for people like you. 

Let me repeat myself: 

If you don’t understand a few things after the presentation…

Just drop your message in the support group. 

And I’ll personally answer you. 


I currently charge $1,500 for an hour consultation.

But will you reject it if it’s totally free for you? 

Anyway, having constant access is the best way to speed up your progress and earning. 

But I urge you NEVER to take this for granted. 

Wanna try it today? 

The price is just N5,000 for everything listed above.

If you’d like to try it, click the button below to reserve your spot.

Could This Be You Too? 

Here Are What You’re Getting Once Again:

✅ First Module: Upwork Psychology = N10,500

✅ Second module: Modern Client Acquisition = 30,700

✅ Third module: Overall account protection = 17,000

✅ #1 Bonus: Client’s niche research = N11,700

✅ #2 Bonus: My new winning proposal killer templates = N15,900

✅ #3 Bonus: Advanced client attraction strategy: N14,500

✅ #4 Bonus: Client Retention Mastery =  N20,700

✅ #5 Bonus: Customer support and networking community (247 active) = priceless

Total worth: N121,000 naira (plus priceless support group)

But today, you’ll pay ONLY N5,000. 

That’s obviously a steal for you. 

The price is just N5,000 for everything listed above.

If you’d like to try it, click the button below to reserve your spot.


Q1: Who can benefit from this? 

This is for anybody (of course you must have a digital skill)…

Who wants to acquire more foreign clients and get paid AT LEAST 300,000 naira monthly. 

And whether you’re a copywriter, content writer, graphic designer, video editor…

Or whatever (if it’s digital skill), then this will change the financial game for you (positively). 

Q2: How is this different from other products?

This works pretty well. 

And there’s a proven track record of not just using this for myself.

But my recent students have made over $50,000 from this so far. 

And the funniest part? 

You don’t need any experience (if you’re a beginner), 

Nor luck to get your first client in less than 30 days. 

Q3: How do I get started with this? 

It’s pretty easy. 

The price is just N5000 for everything listed above.

If you’d like to try it, click the button below to reserve your spot.

Q4: I’m a slow learner, what if I need more help later? 


If you’re a slow learner, it’s NOT a problem at all. 

In fact, it means that you may prefer to consume information at your comfortable pace. 

Is that your suggestion? It’s perfectly okay. 

You see, our 24/7 working customer support group will ensure that you always have the guidance you need…

Regardless of your learning speed. 

My point? 

Whether you’ve questions, need clarification, or you just want to discuss a concept in more depth…

You’ll keep getting personal expert support from me (that’s my solemn promise). 

And just like you know…

You’ll almost always have urgent questions. 

And giving my students this kind of support give them the “rare advantage” to make 300,000 naira – or more (in less than 4 weeks). 

Now, if you would like to try this too…

The price is just N5,000 for everything listed above.

If you’d like to try it, click the button below to reserve your spot.